
Museum Education has been and continue to be a great support system for the school curriculum. It has a way of connecting with the classroom education even when school curriculum experiences curriculum changes due to seasonal, environmental and political changes. This paper therefore, investigates how museum education is affected by changes of the classroom education visa vee the school curriculum. The main focus of these changes will be around the integration of 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) post the covid-19 in museum education as a response to the school curriculum. The school subject interest that probes between museum education and the school curriculum is around the History and subsequently the Archaeology subjects. The specific school curriculum mention for this paper is based on the South African Department of Education’s (DBE) 2018 Report of the History Ministerial Task Team in particular to the section of including Archaeology as a subject. The rationale behind the interest in this report is that it not only affects the teaching of History in the school classroom but also affects the teaching of History in the relevant South African museums.


The article was first publiced in Cadernos do LEPAARQ, v. XVII, n. 34, Julho-Dezembro, 2020