At the time travel journey conducted to year 1878, people from Estonian Garden Association’s decided to spend a beautiful summer day in the city, visit a former castle, bastion and park. A city gardener introduced the park, rich with different species, and then they visited 17th century bastion and belowground path, where they talked about history. In the park people sat on grass, had lunch, played old-parlour games and sang patriotic songs.
Three positive aspects about time travel in students’ opinions:
- Learning and acting with aim in different environment (out of school)
- Opportunity to enter into history, become acquainted with clothing and historical background, customs and rules of behavior, parlour games, nature, music, food, visit interesting places.
- Students positive experience from time travel.
Everyone had to find their own clothing by themself. Some students had little problems in finding specific outfit, but most of the people found appropriate costume and accessories.
It was exciting to walk in belowground path with lanterns. There was very clammy and lot of moist. Some students were little bit frightened for a moment.
Parlour games created exhilaration, everybody liked them, because there was a chance to compete and put to test yourself. Also everybody liked painting, exploring bugs and plants and shooting a gun.
Participating in time travel is an alternation to everyday class-lesson, it offers students interest and variance.
In this Time Travel there attended workers from Tallinn City Museum, teachers and 7th grade students from Tallinn Old Town School, in all 60 people.
Tallinn Old Town School – Sirje Rohtla
Tallinn City Museum- Toomas Abiline