The morning began with watching a play about the medieval court hearing. After that we walked the streets of old town, climbed some narrow stairs and dressed as friars and burgesses.The students found out about saints, ministers and Order, basically about the importance of the religion in a medieval persons everyday life.
During the day a lot of games connected to middle-aged times were played. Such as “Do you know medieval Tallinn?” They acquired knowledge about the unions of merchantizers and the travel routes of medieval ships. A lot of fun for the children was the game “Scents in a medieval town”, where they acted as helpers of a apothecary and had to figure out to which product that specific scent belongs to.
On that day the students had a really positive experience learning about the fashion from the medieval centuries, about the colors in clothing about jewelry and were able to wear them. To conclude the day the students learned and danced medieval dances.
Vanalinna Hariduskollegium Sirje Rohtla